Over the last weekend Charmaine and I were emailing back and forth discussing inks. I told her that I wanted to buy all the VersaMagic Dew Drops from Eclectic Paperie. Charmaine said she had them all and that she loved them.


Then she asked me if I had already ordered them. I told her I couldn’t order anything right now, because we will be gone all next week. The kids are having their spring break and we will be going to San Antonio! I am so excited about that!!! Anyway….imagine my surprise when I got a big envelope in the mail on Wednesday. Charmaine send me two four packs of the Dew Drops and this gorgeous card! Oh my goodness….I had to sit down after I opened it. I searched for her phone number and left a super excited message on her answering machine.

Charmaine colored her cat with a blender pen and the dew drops. It’s so pretty! Charmaine, thanks again. I’m sooo thankful! And…can you tell I like the dew drops. I made three cards with it yesterday. LOL


Stay at Home Mom of Three, Splitcoast Team Member and Copic and Spellbinders die Lover.

5 Responses to “What could be better?”

  1. Nice surprise!!

  2. What a great gift to find in your mailbox! Enjoy San Antonio next week!

  3. WOW, WOW, WOW!!!

  4. Oh my goodness, you are so welcome! 🙂 Glad you like them!

  5. Too cute! My 3yr saw this card and said she wanted a cat like that…lol.

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