






You know what we do at the weekends…..we go to the beach! Today we had red flags flying. That means strong currents….AND big waves. It was perfect for a little boogy boarding. We had a blast. I took my camera again and Rick took some shots of me this time.



Stay at Home Mom of Three, Splitcoast Team Member and Copic and Spellbinders die Lover.

23 Responses to “Fun at the beach”

  1. Looks like you had a blast!!! Perfect weather today, huh? 😉

  2. How fun — looks like you had a great day! Happy Memorial weekend to you, too!

  3. SO FUN!!! That’s it! I am officially homesick for a sunshiny warm trip to the beach.
    Oh well. Maybe next trip down.
    Nancy Grant

  4. Oh, you are just TOO STINKIN’ CUTE! Look at you! You look like you’re 14! 🙂 Wonderful pics. . .thanks for sharing!

  5. you are SUCH a CUTIE PATOOTIE!!!!!!!

  6. Very awesome pic Beate!!!! Looks like you were having way
    to much fun lol. I cant wait til my turn in June. Hope your holiday weekend is going well!!!


  7. How fun! We just got back from a week at the beach. I’m ready to go back!!! I would love to live close enough to the beach that we could go on the weekends. You look so young in those pictures. At first I thought man, your daughter looks just like you!
    Love the pics!

  8. Yay…you made it too the beach! How fun!

  9. Nice to see you having fun too! We have LOTS of waves like that where I live but it would be SOOOOO cold (Pacific Ocean). Thanks for sharing pics!

  10. That looks like super fun. I am jealous. How does it feel on the other sde of the camera? Love seeing you having fun too!

  11. Now that looks like fun! This is coming from someone who has never even stuck a big toe in the ocean. 🙁 I so want to go somewhere with a beach.

    Luckily I live in a state with a lot of natural beauty. No oceans though…


  12. Looks like you had a great time. I wish I had a beach near by 🙂

  13. wow, I am just a little jealous! it has been raining here 🙂 I am glad you had fun!

  14. Boogie Boarding is so much fun!! You look like you had a blast!!! Great pics!!

  15. Oh that just looks like too much fun! That beach looks wonderful, wish I could join you, I love water sports!

  16. Look at that beautiful women with that beautiful smile!! You look like you’re about 20!! TFS.

  17. Cute pics! 😉 We went to the beach today! Outer Banks of NC…not white sandy sand and clear water like yours…but beach nonetheless! It doesn’t get much better than that, eh? 🙂

  18. Okay Beate!!! You are just WAY too cool!!!!! They need to be making a Boogie Boarding Bella just for you!!!! Love the pics, but I must say that I am SO jealous of your weather!!! We still have at least a month to go before it gets warm enough for swimming!!!!!

  19. I love your water activity. It is too funny..when I went to the beach this weekend..I took a picture of my feet in the sand like yours awhile back! I am glad you had a great time!

  20. OH my gosh! Being from Minnesota with anything resembling an ocean so far away, this looks absolutely heavenly!

  21. What a perfect day for the beach! You look like you are having so much fun!

  22. Wow! Looks like SO much fun! Thanks for sharing your wonderful time!

  23. You are such a great woman. I love your wholesomeness and talent and fun nature. I can’t wait to see you again soon.

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