I am so sorry this is a day late. Yesterday I had a checkup in the clinic (boy..they always take their sweet time) and went grocery shopping afterwards. After unloading and having lunch, I dragged Austin to get a hair cut. Then it was time to pick up first Lucas, then Rebecca from bus/school. Then homework with Rebecca.

I tell you….the last two weeks I got nothing done. I HAVE to stamp today. I have so much to do. I hope I will be able to share something with you.

But first….Random.org picked Cindy Vernon as the winner of my last sketch challenge.


Cindy made this darling file folder card.

You can see more of her work on her blog Creating with the Heart.

Thanks to everyone who tried this not so easy challenge!!! The next two will be simple layouts, I promise!

Have a great day! Hugs and smiles


Stay at Home Mom of Three, Splitcoast Team Member and Copic and Spellbinders die Lover.

6 Responses to “WSC21 winner”

  1. What a neat card! Congrats! Hope your day/week slows down a bit!

  2. WAY TO GO CINDY! Beautiful file folder card.
    So busy Beate…hope some stampin’ time comes your way soon – stampin’ is always my outlet and stress reliever:)

  3. Congratulations, Cindy! Super card!

    I sure hope things slow down a bit for you, Beate! Hugs!!

  4. Congrats Cindy! It was a huge amount of entries for the random selction, you are so very lucky! Deb

  5. Woohoo…congrats Cindy! :0)

  6. This is SO cute! Congrats, Cindy! 🙂

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